SDC with sdcMicro in R: Setting Up Your Data and more

Installing R, sdcMicro and other packages

This guide is based on the software package sdcMicro, which is an add-on package for the statistical software R. Both R and sdcMicro, as well as other R packages, are freely available from the CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) website for Linux, Mac and Windows ( This website also offers descriptions of packages. Besides the standard version of R, there is a more user-friendly user interface for R: RStudio. RStudio is also freely available for Linux, Mac and Windows ( The sdcMicro package is dependent on (i.e., uses) other R packages that must be installed on your computer before using sdcMicro. Those will automatically be installed when installing sdcMicro. For some functionalities, we use still other packages (such as foreign for reading data and some graphical packages). If so, this is indicated in the appropriate section in this guide. R, RStudio, the sdcMicro package and its dependencies and other packages have regular updates. It is strongly recommended to regularly check for updates: this requires installing a new version for an update of R; with the update.packages() command or using the menu options in R or RStudio one can update the installed packages.

When starting R or RStudio, it is necessary to specify each time which packages are being used by loading those. This loading of packages can be done either with the library() or the require() function. Both options are illustrated in Listing 53.

Listing 53 Loading required packages
library(sdcMicro) # loading the sdcMicro package
require(sdcMicro) # loading the sdcMicro package

All packages and functions are documented. The easiest way to access the documentation of a specific function is to use the built-in help, which generally gives an overview of the parameters of the functions as well as some examples. The help of a specific function can be called by a question mark followed by the function name without any arguments. Listing 54 shows how to call the help file for the microaggregation() function of the sdcMicro package. [1] The download page of the each package on the CRAN website also provides a reference manual with a complete overview of the functions in the package.

Listing 54 Displaying help for functions
?microaggregation # help for microaggregation function

When issues or bugs in the sdcMicro package are encountered, comments, remarks or suggestions can be posted for the developers of sdcMicro on their GitHub.

Read functions in R

The first step in the SDC process when using sdcMicro is to read the data into R and create a dataframe. [2] R is compatible with most statistical data formats and provides read functions for most types of data. For those read functions, it is sometimes necessary to install additional packages and their dependencies in R. An overview of data formats, functions and the packages containing these functions is provided in Table 21. These functions are also available as write (e.g., write_dta()) to save the anonymized data in the required format. [3]

Table 21 Packages and functions for reading data in R
Type/software Extension Package Function
SPSS .sav haven read_sav()
STATA (v. 5-14) .dta haven read_dta()
SAS .sas7bdat haven read_sas()
Excel .csv utils (base package) read.csv()
Excel .xls/.xlsx readxl readxl()

Most of these functions have options that specify how to handle missing values and variables with factor levels and value labels. Listing 55, Listing 56 and Listing 57 provide example code for reading in a STATA (.dta) file, an Excel (.csv) file and a SPSS (.sav) file.

Listing 55 Reading in a STATA file
setwd("/Users/World Bank") # working directory with data file
fname = "data.dta" # name of data file
library(haven) # loads required package for read/write function for STATA files
file <- read_dta(fname)
# reads the data into the data frame tbl called file
Listing 56 Reading in a Excel file
setwd("/Users/World Bank") # working directory with data file
fname = "data.csv" # name of data file
file <- read.csv(fname, header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".")
# reads the data into the data frame called file,
# the first line contains the variable names,
# fields are separated with commas, decimal points are indicated with ‘.’
Listing 57 Reading in a SPSS file
setwd("/Users/World Bank") # working directory with data file
fname = "data.sav" # name of data file
library(haven) # loads required package for read/write function for SPSS files
file <- read_sav(fname)
# reads the data into the data frame called file

The maximum data size in R is technically restricted. The maximum size depends on the R build (32-bit or 64-bit) and the operating system. Some SDC methods require long computation times for large datasets (see the Section on Computation time).

Missing values

The standard way missing values are represented in R is by the symbol ‘NA’, which is different to impossible values, such as division by zero or the log of a negative number, which are represented by the symbol ‘NaN’. The value ‘NA’ is used for both numeric and categorical variables. [4] Values suppressed by the localSuppression() routine are also replaced by the ‘NA’ symbol. Some datasets and statistical software might use different values for missing values, such as ‘999’ or strings. It is possible to include arguments in read functions to specify how missing values in the dataset should be treated and automatically recode missing values to ‘NA’. For instance, the function read.table() has the ‘na.strings’ argument, which replaces the specified strings with ‘NA’ values.

Missing values can also be recoded after reading the data into R. This may be necessary if there are several different missing value codes in the data, different missing value codes for different variables or the read function for the datatype does not allow specifying the missing value codes. When preparing data, it is important to recode any missing values that are not coded as ‘NA’ to ‘NA’ in R before starting the anonymization process to ensure the correct measurement of risk (e.g., \(k\)-anonymity), as well as to ensure that many of the methods are correctly applied to the data. Listing 58 shows how to recode the value ‘99’ to ‘NA’ for the variable “toilet”.

Listing 58 Recoding missing values to NA
file[file[,'toilet'] == 99,'toilet'] <- NA
# Recode missing value code 99 to NA for variable toilet

Classes in R

All objects in R are of a specific class, such as integer, character, matrix, factor or dataframe. The class of an object is an attribute from which the object inherits. To find out the class of an object, one can use the function class(). Functions in R might require objects or arguments of certain classes or functions might have different functionality depending on the class of the argument. Examples are the write functions that require dataframes and most functions in the sdcMicro package that require either dataframes or sdcMicro objects. The functionality of the functions in the sdcMicro package differs for dataframes and sdcMicro objects. It is easy to change the class attribute of an object with functions that start with “as.”, followed by the name of the class (e.g., as.factor(), as.matrix(), Listing 59 shows how to check the class of an object and change the class to “data.frame”. Before changing the class attribute of the object “file”, it was in the class “matrix”. An important class defined and used in the sdcMicro package is the class named sdcMicroObj. This class is described in the next section.

Listing 59 Changing the class of an object in R
# Finding out the class of the object ‘file’

# Changing the class to data frame
file <-

# Checking the result class(file)

Objects of class sdcMicroObj

The sdcMicro package is built around objects [5] of class sdcMicroObj, a class especially defined for the sdcMicro package. Each member of this class has a certain structure with slots that contain information regarding the anonymization process (see Table 22 for a description of all slots). Before evaluating risk and utility and applying SDC methods, creating an object of class sdcMicro is recommended. All examples in this guide are based on these objects. The function used to create an sdcMicro object is createSdcObj(). Most functions in the sdcMicro package, such as microaggregation() or localSuppression(), automatically use the required information (e.g., quasi-identifiers, sample weights) from the sdcMicro object if applied to an object of class sdcMicro.

The arguments of the function createSdcObj() allow one to specify the original data file and categorize the variables in this data file before the start of the anonymization process.


For this, disclosure scenarios must already have been evaluated and quasi-identifiers selected. In addition, one must ensure there are no problems with the data, such as variables containing only missing values.

In Listing 60, we show all arguments of the function createSdcObj(), and first define vectors with the names of the different variables. This practice gives a better overview and later allows for quick changes in the variable choices if required. We choose the categorical quasi-identifiers (keyVars); the variables linked to the categorical quasi-identifiers that need the same suppression pattern (ghostVars, see the Section Local suppression); the numerical quasi-identifiers (numVars); the variables selected for applying PRAM (pramVars); a variable with sampling weights (weightVar); the clustering ID (hhId, e.g., a household ID, see the Section Household risk); a variable specifying the strata (strataVar) and the sensitive variables specified for the computation of \(l\)-diversity (sensibleVar , see the Section l-diversity).


Most SDC methods in the sdcMicro package are automatically applied within the strata, if the ‘strataVar’ argument is specified.

Examples are local suppression and PRAM. Not all variables must be specified, e.g., if there is no hierarchical (household) structure, the argument ‘hhId’ can be omitted. The names of the variables correspond to the names of the variables in the dataframe containing the microdata to be anonymized. The selection of variables is important for the risk measures that are automatically calculated. Furthermore, several methods are by default applied to all variables of one sort, e.g., microaggregation to all key variables. [6] After selecting these variables, we can create the sdcMicro object. To obtain a summary of the object, it is sufficient to write the name of the object.

Listing 60 Selecting variables and creating an object of class sdcMicroObj for the SDC process in R
# Select variables for creating sdcMicro object
# All variable names should correspond to the names in the data file
# selected categorical key variables
selectedKeyVars = c('region', 'age', 'gender', 'marital', 'empstat')

# selected linked variables (ghost variables)
selectedGhostVars = c('urbrur')

# selected categorical numerical variables
selectedNumVar = c('wage', 'savings')

# weight variable
selectedWeightVar = c('wgt')

# selected pram variables
selectedPramVars = c('roof', 'wall')

# household id variable (cluster)
selectedHouseholdID = c('idh')

# stratification variable
selectedStrataVar = c('strata')

# sensitive variables for l-diversity computation
selectedSensibleVar = c('health')

# creating the sdcMicro object with the assigned variables
sdcInitial <- createSdcObj(dat         = file,
                                                keyVars     = selectedKeyVars,
                                            ghostVars   = selectedGhostVars,
                                            numVar      = selectedNumVar,
                                            weightVar   = selectedWeightVar,
                                            pramVars    = selectedPramVars,
                                            hhId        = selectedHouseholdID,
                           strataVar   = selectedStrataVar,
                           sensibleVar = selectedSensibleVar)

# Summary of object

## Data set with 4580 rows and 14 columns.
## --> Categorical key variables: region, age, gender, marital, empstat
## --> Numerical key variables: wage, savings
## --> Weight variable: wgt
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Information on categorical Key-Variables:
## Reported is the number, mean size and size of the smallest category for recoded variables.
## In parenthesis, the same statistics are shown for the unmodified data.
## Note: NA (missings) are counted as seperate categories!
## Key Variable Number of categories Mean size
## region 2 (2) 2290.000 (2290.000)
## age 5 (5) 916.000 (916.000)
## gender 3 (3) 1526.667 (1526.667)
## marital 8 (8) 572.500 (572.500)
## empstat 3 (3) 1526.667 (1526.667)
## Size of smallest
## 646 (646)
## 16 (16)
## 50 (50)
## 26 (26)
## 107 (107)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Infos on 2/3-Anonymity:
## Number of observations violating
## - 2-anonymity: 157
## - 3-anonymity: 281
## Percentage of observations violating
## - 2-anonymity: 3.428 %
## - 3-anonymity: 6.135 %
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Numerical key variables: wage, savings
## Disclosure risk is currently between [0.00%; 100.00]
## Current Information Loss:
## IL1: 0.00
## Difference of Eigenvalues: 0.000%
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Table 22 presents the names of the slots and their respective contents. The slot names can be listed using the function slotNames(), which is illustrated in Listing 61. Not all slots are used in all cases. Some slots are filled only after applying certain methods, e.g., evaluating a specific risk measure. Certain slots of the objects can be accessed by accessor functions (e.g., extractManipData for extracting the anonymized data) or print functions (e.g., print()) with the appropriate arguments. The content of a slot can also be accessed directly with the ‘@’ operator and the slot name. This is illustrated for the risk slot in Listing 61. This functionality can be practical to save intermediate results and compare the outcomes of different methods. Also, for manual changes to the data during the SDC process, such as changing missing value codes or manual recoding, the direct accession of the data in the slots with the manipulated data (i.e., slot names starting with ‘manip’) is useful. Within each slot there are generally several elements. Their names can be shown with the names() function and they can be accessed with the ‘$’ operator. This is shown for the element with the individual risk in the risk slot.

Listing 61 Displaying slot names and accessing slots of an S4 object
# List names of all slots of sdcMicro object

##  [1] "origData"          "keyVars"           "pramVars"
##  [4] "numVars"           "ghostVars"         "weightVar"
##  [7] "hhId"              "strataVar"         "sensibleVar"
## [10] "manipKeyVars"      "manipPramVars"     "manipNumVars"
## [13] "manipGhostVars"    "manipStrataVar"    "originalRisk"
## [16] "risk"              "utility"           "pram"
## [19] "localSuppression"  "options"           "additionalResults"
## [22] "set"               "prev"              "deletedVars"

# Accessing the risk slot

# List names within the risk slot
## [1] "global"  "individual"  "numeric"

# Two ways to access the individual risk within the risk slot
get.sdcMicroObj(sdcInitial, "risk")$individual
Table 22 Slot names and slot description of sdcMicro object
Slotname Content
origData original data as specified in the dat argument of the createSdcObj() function
keyVars indices of columns in origData with specified categorical key variables
pramVars indices of columns in origData with specified PRAM variables
numVars indices of columns in origData with specified numerical key variables
ghostVars indices of columns in origData with specified ghostVars
weightVar indices of columns in origData with specified weight variable
hhId indices of columns in origData with specified cluster variable
strataVar indices of columns in origData with specified strata variable
sensibleVar indices of columns in origData with specified sensitive variables for lDiversity
manipKeyVars manipulated categorical key variables after applying SDC methods (cf. keyVars slot)
manipPramVars manipulated PRAM variables after applying PRAM (cf. pramVars slot)
manipNumVars manipulated numerical key variables after applying SDC methods (cf. numVars slot)
manipGhostVars manipulated ghost variables (cf. ghostVars slot)
manipStrataVar manipulated strata variables (cf. strataVar slot)
originalRisk global and individual risk measures before anonymization
risk global and individual risk measures after applied SDC methods
utility utility measures (il1 and eigen)
pram details on PRAM after applying PRAM
localSuppression number of suppression per variable after local suppression
options options specified
additionalResults additional results
set list of slots currently in use (for internal use)
prev information to undo one step with the undo() function
deletedVars variables deleted (direct identifiers)

There are two options to save the results after applying SDC methods:

  • Overwriting the existing sdcMicro object, or
  • Creating a new sdcMicro object. The original object will not be altered and can be used for comparing results. This is especially useful for comparing several methods and selecting the best option.

In both cases, the result of any function has to be re-assigned to an object with the ‘<-‘ operator. Both methods are illustrated in Listing 62.

Listing 62 Saving results of applying SDC methods
# Applying local suppression and reassigning the results to the same sdcMicro object
sdcInitial <- localSuppression(sdcInitial)

# Applying local suppression and assigning the results to a new sdcMicro object
sdc1 <- localSuppression(sdcInitial)

If the results are reassigned to the same sdcMicro object, it is possible to undo the last step in the SDC process. This is useful when changing parameters. The results of the last step, however, are lost after undoing that step.


The undolast() function can be used to go only one step back, not several.

The result must also be reassigned to the same object. This is illustrated in Listing 63.

Listing 63 Undo last step in SDC process
# Undo last step in SDC process
sdcInitial <- undolast(sdcInitial)

Household structure

If the data has a hierarchical structure and some variables are measured on the higher hierarchical level and others on the lower level, the SDC process should be adapted accordingly (see also the Sections Household risk and Anonymization of the quasi-identifier household size). A common example in social survey data is datasets with a household structure. Variables that are measured on the household level are, for example, household income, type of house and region. Variables measured on the individual level are, for example, age, education level and marital status. Some variables are measured on the individual level, but are nonetheless the same for all household members in almost all households. These variables should be treated as measured on the household level from the SDC perspective. An example is the variable religion for some countries.

The SDC process should be divided into two stages in cases where the data have a household structure. First, the variables on the higher (household) level should be anonymized; subsequently, the treated higher-level variables should be merged with the individual variables and anonymized jointly. In this section, we explain how to extract household variables from a file and merge them with the individual levels variables after treatment in R. We illustrate this process with an example of household and individual-level variables.

These steps are illustrated in Listing 64. We require both an individual ID and a household ID in the dataset; if they are lacking, they must be generated. The individual ID has to be unique for every individual in the dataset and the household ID has to be unique across households. The first step is to extract the household variables and save them in a new dataframe. We specify the variables that are measured at the household level in the string vector “HHVars” and subtract only these variables from the dataset. This dataframe will have for each household the same number of entries as it has household members (e.g., if a household has four members, this household will appear four times in the file). We next apply the function unique() to select only one record per household. This argument of the unique function is the household ID, which is the same for all household members, but unique across households.

Listing 64 Create a household level file with unique records (remove duplicates)
# Create subset of file with only variables measured at household level
HHVars <- c('region', 'hhincome')
fileHH <- file[,HHVars]

# Remove duplicated rows based on the household ID / only every household once in fileHH
fileHH <- unique(fileHH, by = c('HID'))

# Dimensions of fileHH (number of households)

After anonymizing the household variables based on the dataframe “fileHH”, we recombine the anonymized household variables with the original variables, which are measured on the individual level. We can extract the individual-level variables from the original dataset using “INDVars” – a string vector with the individual-level variable names. For extracting the anonymized data from the sdcMicro object, we can use the extractManipData() function from the sdcMicro package. Next, we merge the data using the merge function. The ‘by’ argument in the merge function specifies the variable used for merging – in this case the household ID, which has the same variable name in both datasets. All other variables should have different names in both datasets. These steps are illustrated in Listing 65.

Listing 65 Merging anonymized household-level variables with individual-level variables
# Extract manipulated household level variables from the SDC object
HHmanip <- extractManipData(sdcHH)

# Create subset of file with only variables measured at individual level
fileIND <- file[,INDVars]

# Merge the file by using the household ID
fileCombined <- merge(HHmanip, fileIND, by = c('HID'))

The file fileCombined is used for the SDC process with the entire dataset. How to deal with data with household structure is illustrated in the case studies in the Section Case studies.

As discussed in the Section Anonymization of the quasi-identifier household size), the size of a household can also be a quasi-identifier, even if the household size is not included in the dataset as variable. For the purpose of evaluating the disclosure risk, it might be necessary to create such a variable by a headcount of the members of each household. Listing 66 shows how to generate a variable household size with values for each individual based on the household ID (HID). Two cases are shown: 1) the file sorted by household ID and 2) the file not sorted.

Listing 66 Generating the variable household size
# Sorted by HID
file$hhsize <- rep(unname(table(file$HID)), unname(table(file$HID)))

# Unsorted
file$hhsize <- rep(diff(c(1, 1 + which(diff(file$HID) != 0), length(file$HID) + 1)),
                   diff(c(1, 1 + which(diff(file$HID) != 0), length(file$HID) + 1)))


In some cases, the order of the individuals within the households can provide information that could lead to re-identification.

An example is information on the relation to the household head. In many countries, the first individual in the household is the household head, the second the partner of the household head and the next few are children. Therefore, the line number within the household could correlate well with a variable that contains information on the relation to the household head. One way to avoid this unintended release of information is to change the order of the individuals within each household at random. Listing 67 illustrates a way to do this in R.

Listing 67 Changing the order of individuals within households
# List of household sizes by household
hhsize <- diff(c(1, 1 + which(diff(file$HID) != 0), length(file$HID) + 1))

# Line numbers randomly assigned within each household
dataAnon$INDID <- unlist(lapply(hhsize,
                                function(n){sample(1:n, n, replace = FALSE,
                                                   prob = rep(1/n, n))}))

# Order the file by HID and randomized INDID (line number)
dataAnon <- dataAnon[order(dataAnon$HID, dataAnon$INDID),]

Randomizing order and numbering of individuals or households

Often the order and numbering of individuals, households, and also geographical units contains information that could be used by an intruder to re-identify records. For example, households with IDs that are close to one another in the dataset are likely to be geographically close as well. This is often the case in a census, but also in a household survey households close to one another in the dataset likely share the same low level geographical unit if the dataset is sorted in that way. Another example is a dataset that is alphabetically sorted by name. Here, removing the direct identifier name before release is not sufficient to guarantee that the name information cannot be used (e.g. first record has a name which likely starts with ‘a’). Therefore, it is often recommended to randomize the order of records in a dataset before release. Randomization can also be done within subsets of the dataset, e.g., within regions. If suppressions were made in the geographical variable used for creating the subsets, randomization within the geographical subsets implies that the geographical variable is the same for all records in the subset and the suppressed value can be easily derived (for instance, in cases where the geographical unit is included in the randomized ID). Therefore, if the variable used for the subsets has suppressed values, randomization should be done at the dataset level and not at the subset level.

Table 23 illustrates the need and process of randomizing the order of records in a dataset. The first three columns in Table 23 show the original dataset. Some suppressions were made in the variable “district”, as shown in columns 4 to 6 (‘NA’ values). This dataset also already shows the randomized household IDs. The order of the records in the columns 1-3 and columns 4-6 is unchanged. By the order of the records, it is easy to guess the values of the two suppressed values. Both the record before and after have the same value for district as the suppressed values, respectively 3 and 5. After reordering the dataset based on the randomized household IDs, we see that it becomes impossible to reconstruct the suppressed values based on the values of the neighboring records. Note that in this example the randomization was carried out within the regions and the region number is included in the household ID (first digit).

Table 23 Illustration of randomizing order of records in a dataset
Original dataset Dataset with randomized household ID
Dataset for release ordered by the
new randomized household ID

household ID

household ID

101 1 1 108 1 1 101 1 4
102 1 1 106 1 1 102 1 3
103 1 2 104 1 2 103 1 5
104 1 2 112 1 2 104 1 2
105 1 2 105 1 2 105 1 2
106 1 3 102 1 3 106 1 1
107 1 3 109 1 NA 107 1 3
108 1 3 107 1 3 108 1 1
109 1 4 101 1 4 109 1 NA
110 1 5 111 1 5 110 1 NA
111 1 5 110 1 NA 111 1 5
112 1 5 103 1 5 112 1 2
201 2 6 203 2 6 201 2 6
202 2 6 204 2 6 202 2 6
203 2 6 201 2 6 203 2 6
204 2 6 202 2 6 204 2 6

The randomization is easiest if done before or after the anonymization process with sdcMicro and directly on the dataset (data.frame in R). To randomize the order, we need an ID, such as an individual ID, household ID or geographical ID. If the dataset does not contain such ID, this should be created first. Listing 68 shows how to randomize households. “HID” is the household ID and “regionid” is the region ID. First the variable “HID” is replaced by a randomized variable “HIDrandom”. Then the file is sorted by region and the randomized ID and the actual order of the records in the dataset is changed. To make the randomization reproducible, it is advisable to set a seed for the random number generator.

Listing 68 Randomize order of households
n <- length(file$HID) # number of households

set.seed(123) # set seed
# generate random HID
file$HIDrandom <- sample(1:n, n, replace = FALSE, prob = rep(1/n, n))

# sort file by regionid and random HID
file <- file1[order(file$regionid, file$HIDrandom),]

# renumber the households in randomized order to 1-n
file$HIDrandom <- 1:n

Computation time

Some SDC methods can take a very long time to evaluate in terms of computation. For instance, local suppression with the function localSuppression() of the sdcMicro package in R can take days to execute on large datasets of more than 30,000 individuals that have many categorical quasi-identifiers. Our experiments reveal that computation time is a function of the following factors: the applied SDC method; data size, i.e., number of observations, number of variables and the number of categories or factor levels of each categorical variable; data complexity (e.g., the number of different combinations of values of key variables in the data); as well as the computer/server specifications.

Table 24 gives some indication of computation times for different methods on datasets of different size and complexity based on findings from our experiments. The selected quasi-identifiers and categories for those variables in Table 24 are the same in both datasets being compared. Because it is impossible to predict the exact computation time, this table should be used to illustrate how long computations may take. These methods have been executed on a powerful server. Given long computation times for some methods, it is recommended, where possible, to first test the SDC methods on a subset or sample of the microdata, and then choose the appropriate SDC methods. R provides functions to select subsets from a dataset. After setting up the code, it can then be run on the entire dataset on a powerful computer or server.

Table 24 Computation times of different methods on datasets of different sizes
Dataset with 5,000 observations Dataset with 45,000 obervations
Methods Computation time (hours) Methods Computation time (hours)
Top coding age, local suppression (k=3) 11 Top coding age, local suppression (k=3) 268
Recoding age, local suppression (k=3) 8 Recoding age, local suppression (k=3) 143
Recoding age, local suppression (k=5) 10 Recoding age, local suppression (k=5) 156

The number of categories and the product of the number of categories of all categorical quasi-identifiers give an idea of the number of potential combinations (keys). This is only an indication of the actual number of combinations, which influences the computation time to compute, for example, the frequencies of each key in the dataset. If there are many categories but not so many combinations (e.g., when the variables correlate), the computation time will be shorter.

Table 25 shows the number of categories for seven datasets with the same variables but of different complexities that were all processed using the same script on 16 processors, in order of execution time. The table also shows an approximation of the number of unique combinations of quasi-identifiers, as indicated by the percentage of observations violating \(k\)-anonymity in each dataset pre-anonymization in relation to processing time. The results in the table clearly indicate that both the number of observations (i.e., sample size) and the complexity of the data play a role in the execution time. Also, using the same script (and hence anonymization methods), the execution time can vary greatly; the longest running time is about 10 times longer than the shortest. Computer specifications also influence the computation time. This includes the processor, RAM and storage media.

Table 25 Number of categories (complexity), record uniqueness and computation times
Sample size Number of categories per quasi-identifier (complexity) Percentage of observations violating k-anonimity before before anonymization Execution time in hours
n Water Toilet Occupation Religion Ethnicity Region k3 k5  
20,014 10 4 70 5 7 6 74 88 53.72
66,285 15 6 39 4 0 24 40 49 67.19
60,747 13 6 70 8 9 4 35 45 74.47
26,601 19 6 84 10 10 10 77 87 108.84
38,089 17 6 30 5 56 9 70 81 198.90
35,820 19 7 67 6 NA 6 81 90 267.60
51,976 12 6 32 8 50 12 77 87 503.58

The large-scale experiment executed for this guide utilized 75 microdata files from 52 countries, using surveys on topics including health, labor, income and expenditure. By applying anonymization methods available in the sdcMicro package, at least 20 different anonymization scenarios [7] were tested on each dataset. Most of the processing was done using a powerful server [8] and up to 16 – 20 processors (cores) at a time. Other processing platforms included a laptop and desktop computers, each using four processors. Computation times were significantly shorter for datasets processed on the server, compared to those processed on the laptop and desktop.

The use of parallelization can improve performance even on a single computer with one processor with multiple cores. Since R does not use multiple cores unless instructed to do so, our anonymization programs allowed for parallelization such that jobs/scenarios in each dataset could be processed simultaneously through efficient allocation of tasks to different processors. Without parallelization, depending on the server/computer, only one core is used when running the jobs sequentially. Running the anonymization program without parallelization leads to significantly longer execution time. Note however, that the parallelization itself also causes overhead. Therefore, a summation of the times it takes to run each task in parallel does not necessarily amount to the time it may take to run them sequentially. The fact that the RAM is shared might, however, slightly reduce the gains of parallelization. If you want to compare the results of different methods on large datasets that require long computation times, using parallel computing can be a solution. [9]

Appendix D zooms in on seven selected datasets from a health survey that were processed using the same parallelization program and anonymization methods. Note that the computation times in the appendix are only meant to create awareness for expected computation time, and may vary based on the type of computer used. In our case, although all datasets were anonymized using the parallelization program, computation times were significantly shorter for datasets processed on the server, compared to those processed on the laptop and desktop. Among those datasets processed on the server using the same number of processors (datasets 1, 2 and 6), some variation also exists in the computation times.


Computation time in the table in Appendix D includes recalculating the risk after applying the anonymization methods, which is automatically done in sdcMicro when using standard methods/functions.

Using the function groupVars(), for instance, is not computationally intensive but can still take a long time if the dataset is large and risk measures have to be recalculated.

Common errors

In this section, we present a few common errors and their causes, which might be encountered when using the sdcMicro package in R for anonymization of microdata:

  • The class of a certain variable is not accepted by the function, e.g., a categorical variable of class numeric should be first recoded to the required class (e.g., factor or data.frame). In the Section Classes in R is shown how to do this.
  • After manually making changes to variables the risk did not change, since it is not updated automatically and has to be manually recomputed by using the function calcRisks().
[1]Often it is also useful to search the internet for help on specific functions in R. There are many fora where R users discuss issues they encounter. One particularly useful site is
[2]A dataframe is an object class in R, which is similar to a data table or matrix.
[3]Not all functions are compatible with all versions of the respective software package. We refer to the help files of the read and write functions for more information.
[4]This is regardless of the class of the variable in R. See the Section Classes in R for more on classes in R.
[5]Class sdcMicroObj has S4 objects, which have slots or attributes and allow for object-oriented programming.
[6]Unless otherwise specified in the arguments of the function.
[7]Here a scenario refers to a combination of SDC methods and their parameters.
[8]The server has 512 GB RAM and four processors each with 16 cores, translating to 64 cores total.

The following website provides an overview of parallelization packages and solutions in R:


Solutions are platform-dependent and therefore our solution is not further presented.